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TURKEY: Thanksgiving Leftovers Salad (with Tuscan Herb))

Main Courses

Recipe from our friend,
Rebekah Fedrowitz, MDN, BCHN
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition,
Integrative Health Speaker & Writer 



  1. Combine turkey, sweet potatoes, and dried cranberries in a bowl.  Toss lightly with Tuscan Herb Olive Oil and Cranberry Pear Balsamic Vinegar.  (Note: since you are using leftovers, this likely will not need any seasonings; however, you can season as desired with salt, pepper, and spices.)
  2. To serve as a salad, place the turkey mixture on a bed of spinach.  Or, if you prefer a turkey salad sandwich, chop the spinach and add to mixture, then serve on leftover dinner rolls or sliced bread.